Our main focus here at D'Aversa Designs is to bring joy and wellbeing to people and planet. We strive for customer satisfaction and to bring others happiness with our products. See more details on general policies below.

We ship everywhere! Using the smallest packaging possible, carefully wrapping each piece with care, and stuffing our packages with plenty of recyclable air pockets, we are confident we can get your art delivered in one piece. Things to note:
We do not cover shipping costs! Estimated delivery costs for pottery within the US is around $8.00
accidents may happen along the way. If something is not delivered in one piece notify us via the contact page on our website to either get a replacement or full refund! (shipping costs non-refundable)
One of our primary focuses here at D'Aversa Designs is the savoring the creation process. We strongly believe it is not something to be rushed, rather enjoyed. With that being said, pieces are made in a timely fashion with the customer in mind within those parameters!
Other things to note:
We operate out of a basement studio extremely vulnerable to weather conditions. Particularly rainy/damp days will delay the drying times. On the flip side, hot and dry days will expedite this process! If longer wait times are anticipated, we will do our best to notify you.
Sh*t happens. Something may fall, break, shatter, explode... you name it! Your patience is greatly appreciated.